Monday, February 11, 2013

(3) No anger provoking

Ephesians 6:4 - And the fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but nurture them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

Provoking to anger damages the children by stirring up their flesh. It is always destructive for parents to be angry with their children. For this reason, I counsel the parents not to lose their temper when dealing with their children. Not provoking the children's anger requires the fathers' anger to be dealt with by remaining under the cross. The only way we can keep from losing our temper is to stay on the cross. In dealing with your children's wrongdoings or misbehavior, you must firstly go to the cross and stay there. Otherwise, you will lose your temper, and this loss of temper will provoke your children's anger.

Instead of provoking the children to anger, the fathers are to nurture them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. To nurture children means to bring them up, to raise them, by nourishing them. Raising children requires that the parents give them the needed instruction related to human life, family life, and social life. The word admonition here includes instruction. Paul was probably referring to the Old Testament requirement that parents instruct their children with the word of God (Deut. 6:7). This means that we are to teach our children with the Bible. Along with this instruction, we sometimes must discipline them, chastise them. It is crucial that parents learn to nurture the children in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

As parents, we should not only teach them, but also set up an example for them to follow. Just as the Lord Jesus sanctified Himself for the sake of His disciples (John 17:19), so parents should sanctify themselves for the sake of their children. Those who do not have children may be free to do certain things, such as sleep late in the morning. But those with children do not have the liberty to do these things. For the sake of their children, they must be restricted. Children always imitate their parents. Therefore, it is the parents' responsibility to set up a high standard and a proper pattern and example for their children to follow. (Life-Study of Ephesians, Message #62)



我們作父母的,對我們的兒女必須盡我們的責任。這意思是說,我們不該只教導他們,也該立榜樣給他們跟從。正如主耶穌為門徒的緣故聖別自己,(約十七19) 父母也該為兒女的緣故聖別自己。沒有兒女的人,也許有自由作一些事,譬如早上很晚纔起床。但是那些有兒女的,就沒有自由這麼作。為著孩子的緣故,他們必須受約束。孩子總是模倣父母。所以,父母有責任設立高的標準、以及正確的模型和榜樣,給兒女們跟從。(摘自『以弗所書生命讀經』第六十二篇)

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