Sunday, February 3, 2013

(11) Prayer & Modesty

Concerning the brothers, Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:8, "I will therefore that men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and reasoning."

If you pray in every place, your living will be transformed, and the church in your locality will be transformed also. Some brothers may not be entirely satisfied with the church in their locality. The only way for the church in your locality to be satisfying to you is for you to pray at every time and in every place. Instead of discussing the situation of the church, pray for the church. The normal life of the brothers in the church is to pray in every place.

In verse 8 Paul also urges the brothers to pray "without wrath and reasoning." Wrath and reasoning kill our prayer. Wrath is of our emotion, and reasoning is of our mind. To have a prayer life and pray unceasingly, our emotion and mind must be regulated to a normal condition under the control of the Spirit in our spirit.

Verse 9 says, "Similarly, that women adorn themselves in proper clothing with modesty and sobriety, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly clothing." Proper clothing denotes what is fitting to the sisters' nature and position as saints of God. Clothing in Greek implies deportment, demeanor. Clothing is the main sign of a sister's demeanor, and it must befit her saintly position.

In the church life the brothers and sisters have quite a lot of contact with one another in fellowship. In such fellowship it is necessary for the sisters to wear a moral, ethical, and spiritual covering known as modesty. In all their contact with the brothers, the sisters should be covered with an "overcoat" of modesty. This is a great safeguard and protection.

Along with modesty, the sisters need sobriety (2:9). As a sister is practicing modesty, she needs to be sober. Far from being foolish, she should be sober-minded and discreet. She should be clear about things and have a keen discernment. A sister should be quiet, but she should not be without sobriety and discernment. A sister should be quiet soberly, not foolishly. As a sister exercises herself to be quiet and not to overstep her position, she needs a keen discernment within. Her spiritual sky should be clear, without clouds or smog. Then she will be clear, careful, and discreet. (Life-Study of 1 Timothy, Message #4)

弟兄的隨處禱告, 姊妹的廉恥自守




隨著廉恥,姊妹需要自守。(二9。)姊妹實行廉恥時,需要自守。她絕不該愚昧,卻該心思清明並謹慎。她該明白事理,並有敏銳的鑑別。姊妹該安靜,卻不該沒有自守和鑑別。姊妹該安靜自守,不該愚昧。姊妹操練自己安靜,不越過自己的地位時,需要裡面敏銳的鑑別。她屬靈的天空該是晴朗的,沒有雲或霧。然後她會清 明、小心並謹慎。

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