Tuesday, February 5, 2013

(9) Living in Righteousness [II]

2 Peter 3:13 says, "Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells." The righteousness dwelling in the new heaven and the new earth indicates that everything will be in proper order, that nothing will be wrong, upset, or in turmoil. Instead of turmoil and confusion, there will be peace and order. In the sight of God, such a state is righteousness. The entire condition in the new heavens and the new earth will be righteousness. Nothing will be disorderly; rather, everything will be in good order. This orderly condition is a condition of righteousness.

In 2 Corinthians 4:8 Paul speaks of being afflicted in every way, or of being attacked from every side. But no matter how much he was afflicted or attacked, with him there was no turmoil. Instead, there was the manifestation of life. This manifestation of life produced a condition of peace and calm.

Suppose you are troubled on every side by your husband or wife, by your children, and by your in-laws. Nevertheless, instead of being disturbed or in turmoil, you manifest life. This means that life comes out of you in that situation. As a result, your condition will be one of peace and order. In spite of the trouble that comes to you from every side, you remain in such an orderly and peaceful condition. The processed Spirit, the consummated Spirit, within you experienced as life calms down the whole situation. This is righteousness.

Whenever the Spirit is expressed as life, there will be righteousness. When there is righteousness, everything will be calm, peaceful, and orderly. If you experience this in your family life, your children will be calmed down, and your husband or wife will be subdued. Such a life always calms down turmoil. When others receive this life from you, they also will enjoy a peaceful state. (Life-Study of 2 Corinthians, Message #32)

家庭生活中的義 (2)
彼後三13說,『但我們照祂的應許,期待新天新地,有義居住在其中。』有義居住在新天新地之中,指明凡事都有秩有序,沒有甚麼是不對的、顛倒的或混亂的。沒有騷動與混亂,只有和平與秩序。在神眼中,這種光景就是義。新天新地整個的情形就是義。沒有甚麼是不按秩序的,凡事都是有秩有序的。這種有秩有序的 光景就是義的光景。



每當那靈彰顯為生命時,就有了義。有了義,一切就都平靜、和平而有秩序。你若在家庭生活中經歷這個,你的孩子就會安靜下來,你的丈夫、你的妻子也會服下來。這種生命總會平息擾亂。別人從你那裡領受這生命時,也會享受和平的光景。(摘自『哥林多後書生命讀經』第三十二篇) http://www.lsmchinese.org/

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